We Invite You!

Record a One Small Step conversation with us! It’s a chance to meet someone new with a different political view and get to know their story.

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Sometimes we need a reminder that there is humanity in every person – even those we disagree with politically. If you've ever been worried about the state of division in this country, One Small Step is here to help. 

Founder's Day at Monticello

One Small Step at UVA is one of Monticello's featured community partners at this year's Founder's Day celebrations. Join us on the mountaintop to hear the keynote speech from Citizen Leadership award recipient Sherrie Rollins Westin, and enjoy the beautiful weather and scenery following the ceremony. We will be sharing short segments of conversations recorded by our team over the last 6 months. 

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Sometimes we need a reminder that there is humanity in every person – even those we disagree with politically. If you've ever been worried about the state of division in this country, One Small Step is here to help. 

One Small Step Launch Event

Join us for our One Small Step Launch on Wednesday, October 13th from 11:00am - 12:15pm with virtual and in person options available. The event will feature a discussion between StoryCorps founder Dave Isay and UVA President Jim Ryan, moderated by Melody Barnes, executive director of the UVA Karsh Institute of Democracy and co-director for policy and public affairs for the Democracy Initiative.


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